Over November the team had the privilege of working with many of the Councils throughout the Grampians region, delivering ResilientCo's inaugural Emergency Relief Centre training.
The sessions, held in Clarendon (in partnership with Moorabool Shire Council) and Stawell (in partnership with Northern Grampians Shire Council) included an Introduction to Emergency Relief session, followed by a training exercise with full ERC set up, agency participation and role-playing by participants.
Laura Buchanan, John Deering and Michelle Richards led the work for ResilientCo.
There was a lot of collective wisdom at each session and the team was in awe of the passion and dedication that council officers – both those long serving in emergency roles and those just starting out – have for supporting their communities.
Key learnings included:
🔹the need for fit for purpose facilities
🔹the importance of regular training for all ERC staff, particularly with high turnover of staff across all Councils and
🔹the need for clear standard operating procedures and role statements.
We are grateful to all the Councils that participated in the training and are looking forward to rolling out more training across the state in 2024.
