Recently we had the pleasure of kicking off the first session to support the East Gippsland Shire Council in recruiting and training volunteers for Community Led Relief Centres.
The project is designed to build local capability and capacity, and to support community members to contribute to relief activities and provide support to their own communities. The six communities we are working with often face resourcing constraints and isolation during an emergency due to their challenging geographical locations.
The first part of the training saw 43 participants from across East Gippsland Shire participate in our Introduction to Emergency Relief Centre online training. The introductory session is being followed with onsite visits and practical set up exercising of an Emergency Relief Centre at the six locations in the coming weeks.
It is a privilege to be working with such a committed and passionate group of people and we thank the East Gippsland Shire Council for engaging us to work alongside their communities during this important project.
The project is jointly funded by the Victorian Government and Commonwealth Government under the Commonwealth-State Disaster Recovery Funding Arrangements.
Image: a compilation of the answers when attendees were asked why they wanted to be involved in the training for Community Led Relief Centres