ResilientCo is working with municipalities through our DisasterSmart program to help them prepare for, manage and recover from complex emergency events.
With decades of experience in emergency management and disaster resilience, the ResilientCo team understands the challenges for local government and can provide tailored, practical solutions.
What we’ve learned over time:
Local government is best placed to support their communities through disasters. Done successfully, this leads to strengthening of trust between local government and community. Done badly, it leads to ineffective community outcomes, frustration and reputational damage.
Councils don’t get impacted by disasters often, so are challenged in sustaining the capability and capacity to manage major emergencies when they do occur.
Councils underestimate the operational resources, systems and services that need to be in place to manage major emergencies.
Given the unique role of local government, executive crisis management and business continuity planning do not adequately account for the demands of external major emergency events, leading to role and function ambiguity, confusion and inefficiency.
We also know that one size does not fit all. All municipalities are different, councils are different and their exposure to disasters are different. Therefore, not all capability and capacity need to be the same.
Our maturity model allows organisations to benchmark and prioritise emergency management, crisis management and business continuity gaps, overlaps and legislated requirements.
If you want to know more about the ResilientCo DisasterSmart program, drop us a line at or phone 1300 955 428.
ResilientCo Equipping you to manage tomorrow’s challenges today